I encountered something really inspiring recently, a young girl came in and mentioned how she had found this antique love seat in an alley, she explained how she inspected it and then took it home in hopes to recreate the worn piece for her bedroom. While looking through magazines she came across a picture of a sofa covered in a beautiful chintz print from Robert Allen and decided that it was definitely the fabric she was going to use, and no other. Later she phoned me and asked if I could redo this alley love seat for her. I willingly accepted the challenge of turning some persons trash into this girls treasure.
Realizing the wood needed some staining in order to look renewed, the girl and her father decided that they would help restore the little love seat and re-stain the carved wood trim. With the staining done it was my turn to help turn this alley cat love seat into the bell of the ball.
Using the exact fabric seen in the magazine my team and I began re upholstering. The transformation was stunning, the poor beat up little alley love seat was now brilliantly shining as though brand new. What a treasure, and all because some one saw the potential in alley's garbage.